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Masses from the Renaissance:

Look and Listen

Johannes Ockeghem with singers

Faugues, Josquin, Isaac, Mouton, Pipelare, Vinders, de la Rue, Appenzeller, Manchicourt, Bauldeweyn and many more.

Welcome to the Masses from the Renaissance: Look and Listen web site.

The idea of this Site is, in the first instance, to share with the broader community editions and soundfiles of selected polyphonic settings of the Mass and Mass fragments composed during the first 50 years or so of the Renaissance (ca. 1475- ca. 1525). It is my fervent intent that the materials on this site will stimulate further scholarly inquiry into the repertoire and as important promote performance.

[To the left, this miniature shows Johannes Ockeghem, the figure with glasses, and singers standing at a sturdy lectern singing from large-format music. Ockeghem died in 1497- the picture comes from a French source made in ca. 1530.]

The Music and How this Site Works

The Editions and Soundfiles


Soundfiles for The Complete Extant Transmissions of the Masses by Guillaume Faugues

What's new @ 18. VIII. 2024

Revisions of the 7 complete transmissions of masses by Johannes Martini

in ModE M.1.13

can be found on my new web site

Renaissance Books of Religious Music





First posted: 16. VI. 2009

Last updated: 18. VIII.. 2024



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